Deadly Errors
Over the last several years, numerous reports have come out warning about the dangers lurking in one of the places that people should feel safe- hospitals. The Journal of Patient Safety estimates that there are as many as 400,000 ...
Over the last several years, numerous reports have come out warning about the dangers lurking in one of the places that people should feel safe- hospitals. The Journal of Patient Safety estimates that there are as many as 400,000 ...
Try to remember as many details as possible about the driver, the vehicle (make, model, color, dents, scratches, decals, bumper stickers), and license plate number to report to the police. If you are able, ask witnesses if they were ...
Being involved in a serious traffic accident- whether you are a pedestrian or in a vehicle- is traumatic, but what happens when the person who caused the accident doesn’t bother to stop? Who pays for the damages? There are hit and run ...
When someone slips, falls and suffers injury because of another’s negligence, an attorney familiar with premises liability accidents can help. Victims can obtain compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and ...
Accidents happen all the time, and most can be chalked up to bad timing. But injuries can sometimes be directly attributed to the carelessness of another. In this case, the party or parties at fault should be responsible for paying ...
When used in a legal context, most people think the term witness refers to someone who saw or heard a specific event. But one of the most valuable witnesses is one who had nothing to do with the actual case itself: The expert witness. ...
Preventable medical errors kill and seriously injure hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. Errors include physician diagnostic mistakes, incomplete or deficient patient records, medication-prescription slip-ups, staff fatigue ...
You may think you are being nice to keep the police out of an accident if it seems small, but when no charges are filed, it can have a negative effect on your case if someone ends up with injuries. Insurance companies will use a ...
Chances are good that you have been driving on the highway and notice large hunks of tire tread on the side of the road left by a truck. Those huge pieces of metal and rubber are not just left there; they tend to fly off of trucks as ...
When your life changes in an instant as a result of an injury or accident, filing a lawsuit is not the first thing that will come to mind- despite popular misconceptions of how personal injury lawsuits play out. Most people are ...