Misreading an X-Ray

Patients going to a medical facility- whether it’s for a scheduled surgery, an emergency visit or a routine mammogram or scan- have a right to quality care, and that includes proper diagnostic tests.  X-rays allow medical professionals ...

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Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Surviving the death of a family member or significant other is stressful- emotionally and financially.  For those whose loved one died through the fault of another, it can be particularly painful.  In addition to the grieving process ...

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Personal Injury Advice

Accidents happen all the time, and most can be chalked up to bad timing.  But injuries can sometimes be directly attributed to the carelessness of another.  In this case, the party or parties at fault should be responsible for paying ...

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Birth Injuries

Going to the hospital to give birth should be a joyous occasion.  But for soon-to-be parents, an injury caused by the medical staff responsible for the safety of the infant can change the course of their lives. In a recent medical ...

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Recorded Statement Preparation

Following an automobile collision, the insurance company will want you to provide a recorded statement.  Most people believe they must give a recorded statement and they have to provide the recorded statement to the insurance adjuster ...

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What is Negligence?

When it comes to personal injury cases, the term negligence is bound to be involved.  Negligence has very specific meanings when it comes to the law.  In order to win a negligence lawsuit, a plaintiff must prove the defendant was ...

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“Pain and Suffering” Damages?

Some people refer to noneconomic damages as “pain and suffering” damages and damages for “emotional distress.”  That’s not really correct.  Noneconomic damages compensate those harmed for many things that are not easily measured in ...

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Auto Accident Investigations

When a client is seriously injured in a vehicle collision, we will make every effort to seek additional sources of precise, detailed, and thorough information to determine responsibility for the accident.  We often investigate: ...

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