I’d like to talk to you a little bit about medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is nothing more than medical negligence.

When an individual has been killed or injured as a result of negligent medical care by a physician, nurse, or a hospital, a medical malpractice claim arises. There is only a one year statute of limitations in a medical malpractice case, so it’s important to act quickly if you believe you or a family member has been injured or killed as a result of medical malpractice.

The attorney taking a medical malpractice case must gather all of the relevant medical records and have them reviewed by the appropriate expert. Ohio law requires that expert give a certificate of merit, a sworn statement that he believes there is good cause that medical malpractice occurs. Once that expert has been retained and given the appropriate affidavit, the attorney on your behalf will be free to pursue a medical malpractice claim.

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, for more informative videos on Ohio medical malpractice and personal injury law.


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